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Why Headlight Restoration Is Important

Why Headlight Restoration Is Important

Ever glanced at your car and noticed your headlights aren't as crystal clear as they once were, but instead, they're clouded with a yellowish hue? This isn't just an aesthetic issue; it's a safety concern. The culprit? Oxidation, primarily from the sun's relentless UV rays. These two work in pair to gradually deteriorate the plastic surface and makes it look cloudy.

Not only is it ugly on the front of your car, but it can also be dangerous as this cloudiness impedes visibility for you and for others on the road. It will also reduce the amount of light illuminating the road by up to 75%.

Imagine driving down a dark road with poor visibility, and you hit something all because your headlights are cloudy, making visibility poor!

We will delve into why it is important to have clear/clean headlights and how to do it properly.

First and foremost, restoration lengthens your line of sight. This makes driving at night and in bad weather safer due to a longer reaction time. It will also save you money long-term down the road.

Headlight restoration is a relatively cost-effective service versus complete replacement. 

Another benefit is that it keeps your car looking sharp! Who wants to have a slick car, badass paint, and cloudy headlights? Get your headlights restored people! 

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